Page 347 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 347
14. Lolji Ram, Hindu, arrived from Zahidan on April 6th and
left for Ahwaz the same day.
15. Mr. C,F. Skrine, riis Majesty’s Consul General for
Kiioraoan, Meshed, arrive- fro:.; T~:r:/ o i April 24th and left
for Zahidan on the 26th.
16. • Mr. T.3. Rogers, late Consul, E?ndar Abbas, arrival
on the 28tb April and left for Zahiden the same day. He
again passed through Kerman on the 31st May en route for Bandar t
I 17. Mr. O-B. Lean, Locust Officer, Bandar Abbas, arrived
in Kerman on April 22nd end left for Tehran on April 25th.
18. Lieutenant Colonel Wilson, Officer Commanding -the
Transjordan Mechanised Regiment, arrived with that force on
April 22nd ana moved to Tehran on April 2oth.
13. Mr. G.3. Kapper, of the Middle Zest Supply Centre,
arrived on April 20th ana left on the 24th. During his stay
he consulted leading merchants in the town regarding tneir
requirements of imports such as raw cotton, dyes, etc.
20. Major H.M. Chatterjee passed through Kerman on the
23th on his vi&y to Zahidan.
21. Sarciar Ch*nd3n Singh arrived in Kerman on April 28th left for zanidsn on the following d3y.
22. Lieutenant Colonel D.R. Smith, H.U. Consul, Zahidan,
arrived in Kerman on the 14th with the Indian Loi%v, Patrol
ona left for Tehran in the F.R.L. lorry on the 16th hay.
23. Major -aHand arrived from India on June 12th en route
for gast Africa.
24. Lieutenant Colonel Msinv.=»ring arrived on June 16th from
Tehran and left for gahidsn on the 18th.
I 25. Major Nazar arrived from Tehran cn the 2nd with e party
of Indian troops. They left for Zahidan on the 22nd.
26. Major Sharpe arrived from Zahidan on June 30th and left
for Tehran the next day.
«z?. Captain R.A. i*aConaghcy, !!.Ivi. Consul, Bandar Aobcs,
arrived in Kerm:-»n on August 10th and returned to Bandar Acbac
on the 16th.
28. Lieutenant Colonel Shier, Administrative Commandant,
Zehidan, accompanied by Major McCoy of the Indian Long Range
ratrol, arrived from Zshiucn on the 3rd ana returned on the 5th.
28. Mr. R.G. Duubeny, Secretary to the Hon’ble the Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf, arrived from Bushire on the 4th
ena returned on the 7th.
30. Mr. LSasroor Iluseain, who was sent by the Government of
Inaia to teach English in Kerman, arrived on the 8th October♦
He was accompanied by fcr# Irtiza Hussain, a teacher for Yezd,
v.ho left a few weeks later for Yezd.
•?•!• Mp. T.E. Rogers, I.C.S., H.M. Consul Designate. Bushirs,
arrived from Bsndar Abbas on October 26th and left for Isf-han
on the 28th. 311
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