Page 348 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 348
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32. Lieutenant LcLellen, arrived in Kerman on October
29tii to t*ke the appointment of Field Engineer Kermon. He raxs
relieved Captain Birch, who hsd left for India on October 25th,
33. Reverend and Kre. Ilowuen arrived from Yezd on the £th
November and returned a v/eek later.
34. Major General 77.A.K. Fraser, CB., CBS., DSO., I..VO., KC.,
British Military Attache, Tehran, accompanied by Mr. J.5. Somers-
Cocks, First Secretary to K.K. Ambassador, arrived from Zahiuan
on the 26th November. They paid cells on His Excellency the
Governor '■'snerol and the General Officer Co.ending *nd left for
Isfahan, en route for Tehran, on November 22th.
35. Captain R.A. LcConayhey. H.K. Consul, Bender Abbas, arrived
in Kerman on November 22th. After handing over charge cf K.l;.
Consulate, Bander Abbas to Lieutenant Colonel V.7/.D. Y/illoughby,
Majesty’s Consul, Kerman, he left for Isfahan, en route for
Basra ana England, on December 1st.
36. Lieutenant Colonel Attaullah, Inspector General of Cereals
in the Food Llinictrv, Tehran, arrived from Tehran on the 5th Decern
ber am l-.ft for Zsbiaan cn the following d&y.
37. Mr. P. S^uarey, Chief Locust Officer, Persia, arrived
on the 12th December, with one British officer ana 120 Indian
other ranks. The party left for B-nciar Abbas on the 14th.
38. Captain Kay of General Headquarters, Paiforce, arrived
from Birjand on December 30th and left for Tehran the following
32. Ssrasr Mohammed Khan, Security Officer, East Fersia,
arrived from Sahidan on December 15th ana returned on the 18th.
(b) Foreign Visitors
The following numbers or Foreign nationals passed through
a.ernan during the year.
Americans 21 Danish 1
Russians 5 Hungarians 2
Italians 3 ' Egyptians 1
French 1 Latvian 1
Yugoslavs 6 Folish 1
Chinese 3
Ths Italian visitors included Signor Anzilotti, First
Secretary of the Italian Legvtion at Kabul. A prominent Chinese
visitor was Mr. Houe Joie Yu, Secretary of the Chinese Legation
in Baghdad. All the Americans were members of "tie American
Military of Financial Missions to Persia, ana included General
Ridley, the Head of tne American Military Missions
(a) Trade. O^in* to a continued scarcity of shipping spice,
trade with the United Kingdom ana Inuia v*8s practically at a
(b) Arfrlo-Iranicn Oil Company. Mr. L'.A; Iranpur continued
to hole charge of the Aiulo Iranian Oil Company’s Agency at Ker
man throughout the year. There were sub-agencies under his
charge at Sirjan, Rafsinjan, Bandar Abbas, Anar and Bam.
The /-