Page 528 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 528
sets might be done locally, Ho has offerred to attempt to
put some in working order when he has the time, but to work them
efficiently he says that' it is essential to have operators
who can read and write English reasonably fluently. If the sets
were installed between here and Salalah he is of the opinion
that, under the International Convention, it would be necessary
to apply to Genova for the necessary wave-lengths to prevent
interference with other stations.
4. Strength.
The Force has been 24 under strength on the average.
To all intents and purposes no recruits are coming in either
from thiscat territory or tfekran. Coolies are still being em
ployed at Masirah and this undoubtedly affects recruiting.
it has been suggested that each Wall be asked to sup
ply a certain number of men. They would be enlisted for five
years with the Colours and five on the Reserve. During the
reserve period they would be called up for 6 weeks training
per year. If this scheme were adopted a strong reserve of
trained men would be built up for the future should the neces
sity arise*.
Desertions this year are considerably less than in the
three previous years.. This is due, in ry opinion, to the easier
living conditions, and will drop to practically nil as conditions
improve during the post-war period.
Subedar I&jor AllaJjDad is due to retire in February,
and although he wishes to stay on, I think it is time he went.
He is 3 getting too old for the work and is blocking promotion.
He received the O.E.I. Second Class in the New Tear Honours.
Jemadar (local Subedar) Shaikh Kchd continues to work
well; although not particularly outstanding he is a good steady
type and quite suitable for the work.
Jemadar Ahmed Sher has reverted to Military duty and has
been replaced by Subedar Ahmed Khan. This was an error, as the
replacement should have been a Jemadar. However in the event
of Subedar Major Alla Dad retiring, I propose making Subedar
Ahmed Khan Subedar Major, He appears to be excellent and is
young which is all important. It Is essential that the replace-
□ent sent for Alla Dad should be a Jemadar and not a Subedar.
The Consul has been asked to get a V.C.O. with M.T. and/or
Machine Gun Training.
Jemadar Fakir Mohd is due to go and it has been agreed
to give him 6 months salary and I am trying to find other work
for him.. I hesitate to discharge an officer with his service
and without a pension as it is unlikely that he has saved any
money at all.
Jeoadar Lashkaran is average, but it is doubtful if he
would fill the post of Havildar in the Indian Amy. Lack of
education is the great drawback to all local officers as they
are, to all Intents and purposes, unable to read Roman. Urdu, which
is the language in which all the Training Manuals are written.
This lack of education also prevents men being sent on courses.
If money