Page 533 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 533


                A very satisfactory decrease in V.D. is noted above.
          Malaria, minor septic diseases and injuries are high for reasons
          as stated before. Other diseases were much as the year before.
          One snake-bite (Vipor) was admitted to Hospital. He recovered
          but whore he was bitted the muscle necrosed and the man was lame.
                Sanitation and health matters are closely watched by those
          in authority,   TThen wire gauze is available I would suggest
          the cook house and hospital being made fly-proof.
                The men’s food is receiving a lot of attention from the
          O.C. and has definitely improved,   Ken are also being encouraged
          to eat more vegetables.
                The senior 1.0. with the other officers take an interest
          in the men’s games, and the Unit has the best hockey team in
          Muscat and Kutrah.
                                      Sd/- A.G.T. Matthews,

          10. Rations.
                The scale of rations remains as before and is considered
          by the te.O. to be sufficient.
                Atta (no rice available)   l£- lbs.

                Dhal                       2 ozs.
                Ghee                       1 oz.
                Salt                       1  oz.
                Onions                     2  ozs. (approximately)

                Fish                       2 ozs.
                Wood                       2j-lbs.
                The extra messing still remains at As.3/- per man which
          is just sufficient to cover the cost of Kisala etc.

                The following xg vegetables are supplied from our garden
          at Ruwi during the cold weather:
                Cauliflower; Knon-khol; Cucumber; Brinjal; Cabbage;
          Pumpkin; Chillies; Ladies fingers; Tomatoes; Melons; Spinach
          Garlic; Turnips; Radish; Beetroot; Beans.

          As reported before the men do not care for many of the vegetables
          other than Radish, Brinjal, Ladies fingers. However I insti­
          tuted a "parade" and each man had to eat one raw tomato a day.
          This according to the M.O. has had a definite beneficial effect.
                It appears now that the men are becoming more "green
          vegetable minded". As meat is prohibitive it is proposed as
          soon as the opportunity occurs to start breeding rabbits on a
          large scale. This, it is hoped, will be of some use in filling
          in the meat deficiency.

                                               The Canteen.
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