Page 536 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 536

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                           III.— FOREIGN INTERESTS

              Representation.— The Iraqi Vice-Consul still is the
              only other foreign civil representative in the area.
              This appointment wa3 held by Mr. Khalil Ibrahim from
              the beginning of the year till the 21st October, and
              thereafter by Mr. P.D. Azoo, the Head Clerk, who
              officiated till the end of the year.

              Trade.-- About the only imported goods to be seen on
              the market throughout the year were those of American
              manufacture: beauty preparations, sun goggles, etc.
              were always available, and immediately on the cessation
              of hostilities with Japan, fresh supplies of these
              together with large consignments of glassware, oil lamps
              and second-hand winter clothing arrived from the D.S.A.
              The arrival of the clothing was timely, and kept prices
              down to a reasonable level.
                     Russian crockery and sugar appeared in some shops
              at the end of the year. Significance however attaches
              to the frequent visits to Khorramshahr of the Russian
              Consul at Ahwaz, who on these occasions sho7/ed great
              interest in the newly-built jetties at Sentab, and who
             went to no little trouble to obtain figures of imports
             from Britain, India and the U.S.A.
                     At the very end of the year, a branch of the
             American-Iraqi Shipping Company, whose main office is at
             Basrah, was established at Khorramshahr for the purpose
             of shipping away all surplus U.S. Army supplies. It is
             understood, however, that it will remain permanently as
             a trade rival to British shipping agencies.

                            IV.— LOCAL. GOVERNMENT
             Ustendar (Governor-General).— The appointment was held
             by Aghai Kisbah Fatemi throughout the year.

             Farcandar (Governor).— Khorramshahr and Abadan continued
             to be separate governorates, under civil and military
             authority respectively.
                    Aghai Eassan Uateen remained Governor of Khorramshahr
             throughout the year, except for the period from 30th June
             to 27th November when he was absent on leave, and during
             which time Aghai Mahmud Darwish, Mayor of Khorramshahr,

                    Sarhang (Colonel) Hohamed Sadiq Daulatshahi who
             has been Military Governor of Abadan since late in 1943,
             retained the appointment throughout the year. He was the
             object of anonymous complaints and of Press attacks on
             the score of corruption, from which he was acquitted by
             a Court of Inquiry set up in January. Owing to continued
             libellous attacks, he on more than one occasion threatened
             to resign, but was persuaded to remain, while attempts were
             made to silence his detractors. Throughout the period of
             his charge he has proved to be helpful and cooperative.

                    Since the end of the War. the question has been
             discussed as to whether the Military Governorate should
            bo abolished, or not: it was docidod to allow it to
            continue at least until the Allied forces evacuate the
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