Page 534 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 534


                      The Canteen eupplleo Milk, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Cloth,
            Cigarettes, Matches, Vests, Pants, Towols &c. at considerably
            lover pricoo than those current in (ho bazaar.
                     • It is proposed in the coming year to build a new
            Canteen in which the men can obtain Tea, Coffee and Biscuits.
            A number of games have been purchased for uso in this Canteen
            and it is hoped that it will bo well patronised and keep men
            away from the bazaar.   This is more than likely as they will
            bo allowed monthly credit wllch is not available to them in the
            11. Snorts.
                      P.T. is now carried out daily. Hockey and Basket
            Ball are played regularly. The Hockey team has now won the
            Consulate Club Cup three times running.
                      A seven a side Hockey Tournament has been organized
            by the Maqbul Club but owing to the "professionalism" being
            shown by other teams in the matter of holding up games in order
            to see how many points are required before two teams of another
            Club can make certain of winning the cup it can hardly be called
            an unqualified success.
                      The Annual Sports Meeting has had to be postponed
            until the 9th January, 1946.
            12. Buildings.
                      Ho major repairs have teen necessary, but a number of
            alterations are proposed in the coming year. YTe unfortunately
            suffer from a lack of masons and the cost of employing outside
            labour is prohibitive.

                     With the end of the war it is hoped that materials
            will be more easily available, particularly cement and copper
            gauze wire netting. It is proposed to carry out extensive
            alterations to the existing kitchens. Oil cookers have been
            ordered from Ordnance.
                     A 6mall house ha6 been built on the beach at Uataiyah
            for the use of officers, where they can take two or three days
            leave for shooting and bathing. A few days away from Eait-al-
            Falaij appears to be good for them both physically and mentally.
                     Should the Canteen continue to make as profit
           as it is making at present, it is prpposed to build another
            small hut somewhere on the beach where men ordered sick leave
           by the U.O. can be sent in small parties for a week or so. At
           present when men are ordered sick leave they have to go to
           Muscat or Matrab where they spend their time in Coffee shops
           and do not benefit at all, in addition to which they, in All
           probability, contract a fresh disease*
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