Page 529 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 529

                If money permitted, it ia my opinion that it would he
          a good ocheme to have a cadre of Indian Army N.C.Os hero for at
          least a year. On the basis of 2 per company they would he ad­
          ditional to the ordinary strength and would therefore not block
          promotion. They would act in an advisftry capacity If this
          scheme were decided upon, it is thought that they would noW he

          5. Training.
                (a)  Training has been carried out as usual and is consi­
          dered to he xtoc satisfactory in every way for the work for which
          the Force is intended.
                Training Camps have again been impossible owing to short­
          age of Tentage and Transport, mainly the latter,   Short schemes
          are held and, as reported last year, are considered more bene­
          ficial than long camps, as with the type of man enlisted it is
          not possible to hold their interest for long periods.
                The results of Cadre Courses have been better them usual
          as the standard has been set higher than previously and promo­
          tion stopped if men have failed to qualify at the new standard.
                Individual and collective training has been carried out
                (b)  Signallers: All men, with one exception, have passed
         the Indian Army Tests in Hag, Hello and Lamp, and have worked
         well on schemes.
                An Instructor, however, Is really necessary to keep the
          standard up. Since the departure of Jemadar Ahmed Sher we have
         no one from the Indian Army capable of dealing with this branch.
                The Signal Eavildar is geed but is inclined to be a little
         lost when dealing with Electrical equipment.
                (c)  Artillery: The standard, as before, is exceptionally
         good considering the very low standard of education, All
         practice shoots have produced excellent results. It is unfor­
         tunate that owing to lack of transport we have been unable to
         carry out shoots at any great distance from Bait-al-Falaj.

                During the year no shoots were carried out with the
         3 Pdr. guns owing to shortage of ammunition, none havxing been
         available during the previous two years. This has now been
         received and shoots will be carried out in the near future.
                (d)  Machine guns: The results this year show a consider­
         able improvement despite the fact that the guns are greatly
         overdue for overhaul and replacement. It is hoped that with
         the end of the war this will now be possible.
               Jemadar Lashkaran is still in charge and is very keen.
         The gun drill and general handling is as good as I have seen in
         any Indian Army Unit.

               The standard of Range Talcing is below average and consi­
         derably more attention will be paid to this during 1946.

                                               (e) Weapon Training./,
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