Page 532 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 532

              no cases of Heat Effects or Hoat Exhaustion occurred, but un­
              doubtedly the large numbers of men who suffered from ulcers,
              relapses of malaria, and thoso unable to recover from the most
              trivial of injuries, was due to a very lowered vitality fol­
              lowing a severe summer,   The reason Heat Effects etc. were
              not contracted was duo to the lay-out of Barrack Rooms which
              always had fresh currents of air passing through and at no time
              had a more humid atmosphere than the outside air.
                              STATISTICAL TABLE 1.

                                       Actual        Ratio per 1000
                                1945          1944 1945            1944
              Average strength   300          300 (excluding 1C# on leave)
               of Unit
              Total admitted to   111  Not recorded 370.00
              Average constantly   3  Not recorded  10.00
               sick in hospital
              Sick in Barracks  506           328 1687.00       1093-30
              Average constantly   14  Not recorded  46.60
               sick in Barracks
              Deaths in hospital  1           Nil   3.39

              Deaths out of hos­  1             1   3.30           3.30
              Discharged as medi­  4            5   13-30         16.30
              cally unfit

                            STATISTICAL TABLE 2.

                                      Actual         Ratio per 1000
                               1945          1944 1945            1944
             Malaria               174         93 580.06         310.96

             Syphilis               8          27   26.66        90.00
             Gonorrhoea             9          43  30.06         143.30
             Diseases of diges­    15           7  50.00         23.30
              tive system
             Diseases of respi­    18          13  60.00         43.30
              ratory system
             Diseases of the eye   13          11  43.33         36.60
             Dysentery             10          9   33.33         30.00
             Diarrhoea              4           7  13-30         23.30

             Minor septic         163          51 643.33        170.06
             Local injuries        49          36 163.33        120.00
             Infectious fevers    Nil          3                 10.00
             All other causes      23          7   76.66         23.30

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