Page 602 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 602

                      The station Is still without a Steam Disinfector -
              the State Medical Officer, Bahrain, Is arranging to get
              one when the price is reasonable.
                  (a) General Management.
                      Mr. ttard P. Anderson was General Manager and chief
              Local Representative of the Company at the beginning of the
              year. In March he left for the united States to take up a
              post in the New fork office of the company, and was succeeded
              as General Manager and chief Local Representative by
              Mr. Russell M. Brown.    Mr. W.R. Pinckard, President of the
              Bahrain petroleum company, visited Bahrain in April, and
              Mr. Don J. Hanna, a Vice-President of the company in October
              and November.
                  (b)  production and Development.

                      Total oil produced during the year was 8,009,802
              net barrels, an average of 21,945 net barrels daily.
              Production rate was increased during the year as additional
             wells and gas injection facilities were completed. The
              extra facilities provided resulted in the ability to control
              the influx of extraneous water into the reservoir thus per­
             mitting a higher rate of withdrawal. By the end of the year
             under review the production capacity of the field had
              increased to 25,000 net barrels a day. The facilities
             commenced last' year to permit the direct loading and unload­
              ing of ocean-going ships at Sitra were completed and brought
             into operation.
                  (c)  Producing Field.
                      Field Development work was resumed and seven new
             wells were completed during the year. The drilling of
             these wells was part of a programme undertaken to
                      (1) replace wells captured by the expanding gas
                          and advancing edge water thus assuring the
                          field*s ability to sustain current production

                     (ii) re-distribute withdrawal from the reservoir
                          to assure maximum economic recovery;
                    (ill) increase rate and improve distribution of
                          injected gas; and

                     (iv) permit further observation of the effects,
                          of production practice on the reservoir.
             A number of wells were awaiting major repairs before they
             could be returned to production, but the repairs were held
             in abeyance to permit a more rapid advance in the current
             development programme of sinking new wells.
                 (d)  Imports of Arabian American Crude Oil.

                               ^•^ne *ro® Saudi Arabia operated satis­
             factorily throughout the year. -The total import of Arabian
            American crude into Bahrain during the year amounted to

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