Page 607 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 607
la however, still in residence, and the playing fields,
swimming pools, canteen, and cinema projector are still
in use as a recreational centre for units of the Persian
Gulf Squadron.
(iv) On the morning of the 22nd February, the R.I.N.
ratings attached to the Naval Base refused duty in sympathy
with the R.I.N. mutineers in India. The mutiny was passive
and the men returned to duty the following day.
(v) in July the disturbances at Abadan and other places
in South Persia necessitated transfer to the Gulf of H.M.S.
“Norfolk”, Commander Captain G.P. Claridge, R.N. She arrived
in Bahrain on the 20th July and left on the 28th August.
On Sunday 4th August, the Queen*s Birthday, the ship was
dressed overall and a Royal Salute of 21 guns was fired the
following day.
(vi) The ships in the Squadron were H.M.S. “Wren" and
H.M.S. "Wildgoose”. H.M.S. "Loch QuoiclW'was also stationed
in the Gulf for a short period. /CccA fu*. M*.
(I) Group Captain M. Lowe, C.B.E., held charge as
Officer commanding, R.A.F. Station, Bahrain, at the beginning
of the year. He was relieved at the end of March by Squadron/
Leader V.P. Key, O.B.E., who held charge for the rest of the
(ii) A considerable reduction was made in all ranks of
the Royal Air Force personnel in Bahrain during the year.
The use of the R.A.F. ward in the Bahrain Government
Hospital was therefore discontinued, and R.A.F. sick are
now treated at ?duharraq.
(iii) With the discontinuation of the *Ensign* class
*planes no land aircraft were used on B.O.A.C. schedules
and they withdrew their personnel from Muharraq aerodrome.
The R.A.F. have, therefore, become responsible for the
application of the Bahrain Air Navigation Regulations to
all civil aircraft alighting at Muharraq.
(iv) At the end of the year the R.A.F. Assyrian Levies
both at Muharraq and Sharjah were withdrawn and replaced
by locally recruited naturs, or watchmen*
Mr. Parker T. Hart held charge of the United
States consulate at Dhahran for the greater part of the
year being relieved of his charge in November by Hr. Waldo
E. Bailey, the present incumbent*
Relations between the Consulate and this Agency
have continued to. be friendly. At the request of Mr. Bailey
the Political Agent arranged an interview for his with the
The consulate has been at some pains to boost
America and American business both in Bahrain and the
/Trucial Coast..