Page 606 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 606
modern receivers and a modern cathode
e-ray bquip ment for
servicing all Persian Gulf wireless equipment ha3 also
been installed during the year.
(iv) STAFF.
The rise in traffic and the return to a pre-war
footing has resulted in an increase in staff from 41
persons in 1945 to 54 persons in 1946.
During the year the corporation completed its
return to a peace time footing. The special R.A.F.
services were abolished and some of the 3.O.A.C. services
discontinued. The trunk route service from the united
Kingdom to the Far East was extended to include Singapore
and was operated by Sunderlands. The weekly Lockheed
Lodestar service between Bahrain and Cairo which was
proposed at the end of last year was not introduced.
Early in January the ‘.Ensign1 class aircraft were with
drawn from the Cairo-Karachi schedule and their place
taken by »c* Class flyingboats. .Towards the end of the
year notice was received that the »C* Class flyingboats
were also to be withdrawn and replaced by the new Tudor
land aircraft. Unfortunately the tonnage of the Tudor
‘planes makes it impossible for them to use the ifliharraq
aerodrome and this will deprive Bahrain of both the
Durban-calcutta and the cairo-Karachi schedules and break
the air link with the Trucial coast.
A short table of statistics for 1946 is given
below. Fewer passengers embarked and disembarked at
Bahrain than in 1945 but there was an increase in the
amount of freight and mail carried. With the discontinua
tion of U.S.A. Post Office facilities the mail of British
and American employees of the Bahrain Petroleum Company
was again despatched by B.O.A.C. aircraft.
(i) Statistics.
Embarked Disembarked.
Mail • • • 26,239 Kgs. 56962 Kgs.
Freight • • • 15,503 Kgs. 23225 Kgs.
Passengers # • • 2,397 2,119
(11) Staff. 1.1.*46. 31.12.*46.
British 15 12
Indian ... 139 107
Local . . . 235 208
(i) On the 29th July Captain H.J.R. Dendy, R.N.,
relieved commodore I.W. Whitehorn, R.N., as senior Naval
Officer, Persian Gulf.
(11) It was decided that the headquarters of the Senior
Naval Officer, Persian Gulf, should be afloat in H.M.S..
"Wildgoose", and this accordingly took place on the arrival
of the new Senior Naval Officer.
(ill) On the 31st August the Royal Naval Base at jufair
a closed. The 8taff Officer (intelligence), Persian Gulf,