Page 604 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 604


                star ted In 1945 have been completed and 13 additional
                2-bedroom houses are in the course of construction. The
                increased number of families also necessitated a 2-room
                extension to the Awali school. The 52 room bunkhouse no
                longer required for living quarters is boing converted
                into a native hospital.
                    (k) personnel.

                        The following gives a summary of the personnel
                employed by the company on their regular operations and
                on additional construction work during the year:-
                           Americans       • • •  120 (Including 18 Con-
                                                       trac tors' employees)
                           British (U.K.) ...    348
                           Canadians       • • •  60
                           South Africans  • • •  24
                           Other Europeans        11
                           British Indians       554
                           Iraqis          • t •   8
                           Bahreinis       ... 3,170
                           Others          • • •  641
                                   Total       4,936

                    (1) This year the company were able to resume geological
                exploration and drilling in their various concessionary
               areas in the Persian Gulf. A geophysical survey party
               visited the Trucial Coast in the spring and again in the
                autumn of 1946. Arrangements had been made for a seismic
                survey party to visit Qatar in the autumn but the U.S.A.
                seamen's strikes delayed the party, and they are now
               expected to begin work early in 1947.
                   (ii) QATAR.
                        In April, 1946, Dukhan Camp was re-opened and pre­
               parations made for a drilling programme to be started in
               the autumn. This plan was abandoned in October and it was
               decided instead to aqip speed up production, and
               January, 1949, was fixed as a provisional date for the
               first export. Preliminary general surveys were carried out
               in November along the projected route of a pipe-line and
               pipe line road and locations for a terminal oil dock site,
               a permanent camp, and unloading points for heavy equipment
               were examined. It has been proposed to build a road from
               a new harbour near Al Hamlab on the west coast of Qatar
               across the peninsula to a Jetty at Wakrah, with forks to
               Doha and a terminal oil dock in the vicinity of El Arrif.
               More will be! known of the practicability of these proposals
               when H.M.S. "Challenger” has completed her survey of Qatar
               territorial waters which she began in November of this year.
                 (ill) TRUCIAL COAST.
                       In the first part of the year surface geology was
               carried out in the following areas
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