Page 13 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 13
Revenue-expenditure budgets 335
No. rfl of 1352
Office of the Advioer to
the Government, Bahrein.
Dated, Mahuram 4, 1352
April 29, 1933
The Financial Adviser to
the Government
Persian Gulf.
H. B. M’s Political Agent,
Persian Gulf.
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Sir, i. ? 'jUz
I have the honour to"forward a copy of the Budget
for the State of Bahrain for 1352. It has been approved
and signed by H. E. Shaikh Hamad. This is the eighth
Budget which I have had the honour of presenting, The
annual report on Bahrain for 1351 will be despatched
later, it usually accompanies the Budget, but as you
required the Budget as early as possible, I am sending
it now.
The financial position of the State causes me very
grave concern; both the new Budget and the figures for
the last year reveal a very disastrous condition of
affairs and I should be obliged if you would communicate
the contents of this letter to the Hon’ble the Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf.