Page 14 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 14
336 Records of Bahrain
Comparison 1350 - 1351. Tho actual revenue
during 1351 was Rs 1,20,074/- less than during 1350.
This very serious falling off i3 almost entirely in
Customs receipts. The bulk of imports has decreased
greatly and the value of goods imported has also
decreased. Tho people of Bahrain can no longer
afford to buy anything except the cheapest commodities.
Expenditure during 1351 exceeded the revenue
by Rs 93,672/-.
Although the expenditure during 1351 was actually
less than tho amount allocated in the Budget, the
revenue fell short of the estimated amount by Rs 1,05,302/-.
Briefly, at the end of 1351, the State was faced
with an actual deficit of Rs 69,132/-, having also spent
the sum of Rs 24,540/- which was carried forv/ard from
the previous year.
The Reserve Fund at tho beginning of 1351 Y/as
three lacs; at the end of 1351 it is only Rs 2,50,000/-.
This year, for the first time since a budget has
been made in Bahrain, I have had to show a deficit on
the revenue side of the budget in order to balance
expenditure. It would have been possible, and this
suggestion was urged by tho Shaikhs during discussions
on the subject, to estimate the revenue at an amount
much greater than could honestly be expected, in order
to balance the budget. In ray opinion it would be
false finance and Y/ould serve no useful purpose, The
deficit will be met from what remains of the Reserve.
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