Page 16 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 16

338                        Records of Bahrain


                              Tho amount owing by Mohomed bin Subali, ohief of
                          the Bin-Aali, which was lent to him several years ago
                         by the Govornmont, ia shown a3 a possible receipt,
                          but I am extremely doubtful as to whether this loan
                          will be repaid,   Mohomed bin Subah has now induced
                          the Ruler of Kuwait to intercede with 11. E. Shaikh
                          Hamad in connection with this debt.
                               Should the Bahrain Petroleum Company enter into
                          the raining lease in December 1933 an additional Rs 20,000/-
                          will accrue to the State but as they have now applied

                          for an extension of the Prospecting License I cannot
                          assume that they will pay the extra amount.
                               Expenditure.  The expenditure in the new Budget
                          has been reduced to Rs 72,100/- less than the estimated
                          expenditure for the previous year.  Owing to the
                          death of the late Shaikh Sir Isa bin Ali, a saving
                          of Rs 42,000/- v/as effected.  The monthly emolument
                          which he was induced to accept in the year 1347 was
                          Rs 5,000/- per month.  After his death H. E. Shaikh
                          Hamad v/as persuaded to agree to a monthly payment of
                          Rs 1,500/- instead of Rs 5,000/- to be shared by Shaikh
                          Sir Isa's v/idow and various other relations.
                               When the time arrived for making the new budget,

                          H. E. Shaikh Hamad after discussing the matter, instructed
                          me to explain the financial position to Shaikh Mohomed,
                          Shaikh Abdulluh and Shaikh Salman.  After several long
                          meetings during which the whole financial position v/as
                           thoroughly reviev/ed, the Shaikhs v/ere made to realise
                           that some reduction should be made in the Civil List.
                           Shaikh Abdullah had previously agreed, during informal
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