Page 21 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 21

Rcveiiuc-cxpciuliture budgets             343

                              Budget 1352


              I Customs receipts, including
                         duty, baladiya tax
                         Royalty etc.    Rs’ 5,07,000/-
             II  Motor cur licenses  .         2,500/-
            Ill  Pearling licenses   .        35,000/-
             IV  Boat registrations  .         2,500/-
              V  Miscellaneous foes            3,000/-
                                                          Rs  5,50,000/-
             VI  Passport fees .......................  • •    17,000/-
            VII  Judicial receipts                             18,000/-
           Till  Registration fees  on leases .                   900/-
             IX  Land Registration  fees   ..     • •           6,000/-
              X Rents   of govt, lands, including oil
                     concession and rent of aerodrome          15,000/-
             XI Interest on reserve .                           8,000/-

            XII Miscellaneous receipts ..         • •           2,000/-
           XIII   Tax on artesian wells                         1,500/-
            XIV   Loans recoverable.-
                         Maharaq. Baladiya  - [is 7,771/.-
                         Mohoraea bin Subah   9,000/-

                                                       Us    6,35,171/-
                  Dofioit ..        • •                        90,389/-

                                                       Rs—   7,25,500/-

                  Cash in hand at beginning of 1352.

                     Reserve           Rs 2,50,000/-
                     Cash in Consolidated Fund, Bahrain Rs 621.  3.  3
                        M    Eastern Bank, Bombay         409.  6.  1
                        II   LloydTs Bank, Ltd., Bombay   285. 11. 10
                                                     Rs 1,316.  5.  1.
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