Page 26 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 26
348 Records of Bahrain
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tholr necessity.
4. The second cut tar was that of tho itll
of land belonging to the Al Khalifah by a
j 1^)1 JT Jl JaJLJI
member of tho Al Khali fob Family to a peraci
• e^U-JTlDU
ifr- ^^7 not a member of tho Al Khalifah Family, Aa
Your Kxoellenoy haa stated and an ie well
known, the old custom ia that lend I<a4
4i*U- Jl uilao 1^1 belonging to the Al Khalifah can 3lny be
(jjj yjk Jj UJI ,1a j
eold to a member of the Al Khalifah Family*
J- fte-M/i Tho reaaon for eotnbliohing this custom wae
doubtleso to prevent tho Al Khalifah
jfun gradually dispooing of their land to rieh
li-ft ^ ^ I Y min in times of difficulty, or to prevent
e 0 ^ 04 <^elA- L*JI thorn from equandering their property, so
#!A v that they would beooae poor end make it
neoeaoary for the ltulor to ouppori them,
* Crtr*^* f ^ In foot tho auotoa io meant to pro nt the
li-ft \y+-i Y y I ^ Al Khalifah gardually becoming landless
jJJUe j 1 jA>I ^ I j%* JjLJI and poor, end so unable to maintain th<
ill-* Uaj fjK,t WLlilylUJI oelvee in a dignified way ae Rulero of
s-i* Bahrain, I would atrongly oounoel Your
Kxcellanoy not to allow any deviation fTcn
this custom, I believe, however, that then
r^l Jv«
* A>jJI , l*y> {J I 0 LL> !>, «l*ik ore two cocos whlah are at present causing
x^> ^ x/'j V l diffioultieo to Your cbcoollency that ia to
J' 0* j^r4— oay, tho aaae of tho lend which Bhaikh
d*U- JIlUU ‘Abdullah bin 'Iaa wlchea to aoll to Khan
ol'X>*YJj Buhodur 'Abdul 'a*1e al '^uooibl, and the
lt-r04t'*A-JI QQR" in whlch Shaikh Khalifah bin Salman
aj j t> ,1*U- d*/ U**- wlr.lieu to ooll another pieco of land, thia
Ua Ju U,jj YJ* f UJl time to Yuauf Fakhru, I hope, however,
r a>, UJUJI J^C/4 fr!>J Ch-*^ that Youp ^wellonay will be able to eone
to some underotimding shout them. All the
d*U Jl
membero of the Al Khalifah Family are awaxw
of tho old ouotom and of the 'Alans on the
subject and 1 am surprised to find that
w«,.v. -— ~r th» Al Khalifah Famllv