Page 24 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 24

346                       Records oj Bahrain

                                                                        No.  73(>lao'
                                                                    Dotod the 10th July 1033,
                                     V'O JJUJI

                      rot »v^yj» mr^v »v                  To,
                                                              Ilio Bxoollenoy Shaikh Hamad bln
                        ,-Jlv^              \ f/?llj±*            'Isa al Khnlifali, C.0,1,,
                                                                         Kulor of Bahrain.

                                                          After Coap.limonte,
                       fy t, —                  **-N
                       0,.-( »r#T J,I^ ionrr<iVT              On tho 3rd July 1933 Your Kxoellene
                                                          and Mr.Belgrnve and I had a diaouaeion
                       ir^O*               £*- Oji IJM*
                       $\                                 about the flnanoea of Bahrain and other
                                                          matters, an I am about to go away for
                                         '•        JjJ
                                                          three zsontho,
                       l^UJHj~JI»U>leil j^uJ 0./J Jlj - T
                                                           2. I mentioned to Your Excellency
                                Co* *•£> '-^0>Ar*
                                                          that during the last year there bad beer
                        t>£*J ou,l Olj      1^-c-ljU^
                                                          a deficit between the revenue and
                      ,«UI L-Jly) jju jJ ^JUJI IX* O^ui
                                                          expenditure of the Bahrain Government
                       J^U^I^u’l* ^I^VI fij*Jlo-
                                                          of over Re. 70,000/- and I pointed out
                        11* tTh                     l«M"
                                                          that, though thlo had been paid loot
                       Jr^o&l         J*b J^u
                                                         year from the reaerve, yet the reoerve
                          oi^i ^xiiaJi^UjiXkdlc^^^i
                                                         la very email, and it would be InpoeaibJ
                      v^jj V“J>J 0 I   I (>\^ v I
                                                         to meet excess expenditure In this way
                       fj*~ i/Ji +h * J-^li J-**v %/*-
                                                         for long, YouroExcellenoy mentioned
                        > V»iW ^/cru>lu^
                                                         the poooibility of revenue flrom oil and,
                                                         if Qod la willing, I hope that this may
                        /        ji^u>uuji gui’kw
                                                         bo racoived, but it would be unwiee to
                          L>V £»-£ j^i^i • .uuii
                                                         count on thio Antil the payments are
                       v-^V **•« ^iJI £— cAj&V*1'
                                                         actually being made. Your Excellency
                          £*-* *ljj              •XajJ*
                                                         thought it beat to wait till my return,
                          L^CkJI ojaoy^1 6i^*
                                                         before taking aotion further to reduce
                                        ltl^bJl,>til jAjpiJI
                                                         the expenditure, as by that time the
                                      * */7l 6— »<> »>
                                                         position regarding the payment* for oil
                                                         should have become known.  I agree  with
                                                         Your Excellency and would only add
                                                         that I think that Your Excellency1•
                                                         idea which v/p.o mentioned on ano’ther
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