Page 23 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 23
Rcvcnuc-cxfjcnditurc budgets 345
Rovonue of the Bahrain Stato oompared with
tho Civil List. 1345 to 1351.
Year Total Civil List Per
Revenue cen Remarks.
Us Its tage
1345 11,91,810/- 4,50,094/- 45.3
1346 12,40,056/- 4,62,599/- 37.3
1347 12,15,694/- 5,04,489/- 41.5 Sh. Isa*s
i pay increased
from 4Q00/-to
i Rs 5000/-
1348 11,34,131/- 5,08,434/- 44.8
1349 8,17,716/- 4,91,995/- 60.1
1350 7,96,601 4,34,700/- 54.5 10$ reduction
from this year.
1351 6,84,296/- 4,13,844/- 60.5