Page 25 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 25
Rcvenue-cxpenditure budgets 347
_ Y — Another occasion that the payments should
be devidad into one third for Your
Excellency and two thirds for the Govern
ment of Uahrain, so that the Government
may have enough money to be strong end
_ r veil administered, is a very good one.
a-jI- ^J-lJb
3, There were two other matters of
^/VlO' IvtOn^UUnjUIJjUI X+a which we spoke. The first matter was
e-ji <u>- JTjmi* j\ jiuxi certain difficulties which have arisen in
giving effeet to the ancient custom that
J}j J JU*J»lll/v*-yi.i.U JJ. (full
oI fr~ land of the Al Khallfah gifted to a mextoer
Jl^1 lutlj-* I |^l y* b»J I of the Fondly reverts to the Ruler on the
death of the person to whom it has been
LM *111
fj+~ uMj u-* gifted. Your Excellency suggested that a
Family Council might be colled together9
i#iu*iy+iii u^4 cwA* —
consisting at preoent of Your brothers,
our friends, Shaikh Huharanad bln •Isa,
J7-*« 0 l</***« ^ CjjjjL* ^ lrh*N,
Shaikh 'Abdullah bin 'Ioa and Your
ft9], UU^i Yju* Exaollency'o eon, our friend Shaikh Salmax
bin liamod. They would consider how much
v-**wj"* ***1^7*7*^ ^
JU vJUj*Y^ UIjuJI should be given to the family of the
(-J oj> U*£-***JI deoeased in order that the members might
not foel want and how muoh should revert
to the Ruler, and after they have written
down what in their opinion was Just and
fair, Your Excellency would consider it|
rv^uc La W J» Ui*V I ^
and if you aloo considered that the
distribution whloh they had suggested was
Just and fair, you would affix your aaal
to it, so that all might know what had
been done and that it was done with Your
Excellency's approval. Thus the principle
would have been maintained that the land
hod reverted to the Ruler, yet an arrang*
ment would exist for ensuring that the
dependants of the deceased,if in need,
ahould bo given a fair share aocording to