Page 30 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 30

352                       Records of Bahrain

                            land belonging to the A1 Khali fab can Illy be sold to a
                            member of the A1 Khalifah. Family. The reason for eotablio-
                            ing custom was to prevent the A1 Khalifah gradually dispos­

                            ing of their property to rich men and prevent them from
                            losing their properties so that they would become landless.
                            This undoubtedly will not be allowed and thoy,after some ti»
                            time,will realise the good results of this action. I, howeve
                            wish to add one thing more to thio, namely that whenever
                            one is hardly in need and has an open land of which he does
                            not get any benefit and wants to sell it so that he may be
                            able to get some other thing with its price of which ho
                            expects to get more benefit, he may write a lotter to the
                            Government who will appoint some people to consider the
                            question. After they submit their report the Government

                            should either purchase the land from him, or offer the sole
                            of the same to the Ruling Family or allow him to sell it
                            himself. That if they want to sell a landed property of
                            which they get a very small income and replace it with some
                            other property out of which they expect Jo get a better
                            income, they should apply to the Government to inspect the
                            same and then if the Government consider, after giving due
                            consideration to these two points which are in their interesl
                             that it would be suitable to do oo allow them to do itf

                             excepting the two cases for which I have already given
                             permission namely the sale done by my brother Shaikh
                             'Abdullah to K.B.'Abdul 'Aziz al Quaaibi and that of the
                             sale done i>y Shaikh Khalifah bin Salman to Yusuf Fakhru,in
                             which casos the sale fnay be allowed to take place, because
                             they have already had my permission.  If you approvve of my
                             proposals, the Government tmy issue an 'Alon(notiot) so
                             that they-mey-nei Ruling Family may not be oheated in their
                             property and that the sole ohould be among the Ruling Family.
                                 4.   I also vent to remind your Honour of what I had

                             “^ntioned to you verbally, that I thought fit that we the
                             d*Gcendantfl of Shaikh 'lea namely my-self, my sons, my
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