Page 35 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 35

Rcvenue-expenditure budgets               357

          dliplay*31 i" dealing with tht*; for It la not an easy matter for
          ! servant of the Otate to defend the revenue against the demands
              Ruler and Ruling Easily, whose ideas in Money natters are
          of *
               of the open-handed Bedouin Chief,    These difficulties
              been rendered the nore aerioue by the fast that the finanoial
          position of Bahrain le based, alnost wholly, on a luxury trade,
          io that the finanoial depreoulon has had a deep effeot on all

                   Though Mr. Belgrave is a servant of the Government of
          Bahrain, I trust that I nay bo authorised to convey to hi*,
          through His Kxoellenoy Ohaikh Hamad, an expression of the high
          approval of the Government of India of the manner in which he has
          urrled out his duties as Tinanolal Adviser to the Bahrain
          Ooremraent in dreumstanoes of great difficulty,    Rush a

          irald, I think, be appreciated by His Excellency Shaikh Hamad
          md would enoourage Ur. Belgrave in his arduous and responsible

                                       I have the honour to be,
                                    Your most obedient servant.


                             Officiating Political Resident in the Persian
                           P r|*
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