Page 33 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 33
Rcvcnuc-expenditure budgets 355
R alight sign of recovery, hut not sufficient for It to
any relief to the dletresn among the pearling fraternity
l„ Bahrain. There la little money In tho Inland and oven men.
reoontly accounted rich, find it dlfflault to do more than
The Oovomment of Bahrain have faoad tho oituation with
e0n*endable reeolutlon ahd have raduoad the expenditure on the
Aliainiotratlon to the barest ncooooltien, ' It In impossible further
to reduce the expenditure without ourtalllng ennentlal nerYloen.
A roduotlon han, moreover, been effected In the Olvll
List, though It ntlll nbeorbo on unduly high proportion of the
rmnuen of tho Gtnte. It will, however, be appreciated that for
in Arab Otate to bring about an effective reduction In the allow-
moen of the varloun branchen of ltn Ruling Family In a remarkable
lehifiveraent •
5. Borne alleviation of the ponltlon has been given by the
4«ath of Kin Kxoellenoy the late Sir ’lea bln All A1 Khalifah
wd of other membera of the A1 Khalifah Family, The old and
*«Vnowledged ouetom of the A1 Khalifah that, when a momber of
family dies, hlB allowance revertn to the Hulor, han been
Weld, in opite of opposition, and a fair proportion of the
rt’-owanooo of those reoently deoeaned han been allowed to lapse
'« the State,
In another oonneotlon Hio Kxoellenoy Bhalkh Hamad bln
I#a Al Khalifah has propoaed to institute a Family Uajlls(Council^
l'l*dYloe him In nuah matters, and the Idea has much to oamratnd
• e.
The tariff on aertaln artloles of Import has bsen
but it la too early to Judge to idiat extent this will
the revenue.