Page 34 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 34

356                       Records of Bahrain


                               Reoently the Government of Bahrain awployed an Auditor
                            British firm of Auditors operating In ’Iraq and Abadan.
                       fro» *
                       The results of the audit, were eminently eatlefaotory for the

                       jocounte of the various Departments of the Qtnte were found to be
                       in order.  The Auditor wan, however, able to Indicate a number
                       if direotionn In Phloh the method of keeping the accounts oould
                       be materially simplified,   X venture to think that the Oovern-
                       eint of Bahrain Is muoh to bo congratulated, both on taking an
                       lotion eo unprecedented on the Arab Littoral and on the excellent

                         8.     I fear that the financial poeition. In Bahrain ao
                       ileowhere, preeente a gloomy picture, but It la hoped that the
                       ilicovery of oil will plaoe the flnanaes of the fltate on a more
                       utlofaotory footing.   Opportunities have been taken of putting
                        Into the Hind of His Rxoellenoy Bhalkh Hamad the idea that it

                       ns deolrable that the revenuo obtained from oil nhould be
                       llridod in ooho fixed proportion between himself and the Admlnii*
                        trition.  His Exoellenoy evidently brooded ovor this matter,

                          he hao now himself suggested that a division should be made
                        ln the proportion of one-third to himself and two-thirds to the
                        Ministration*   The matter has not yet been placed on a firsi
                        Wb,  as negotiations regarding the exploitation of the oil
                        lr# etlli in progress, but the faot that His Kxoellenoy hao
                        Meelf made
                                   this suggestion, and has proposed so reasonable a
                        )r°portlon, may bo regarded an of happy augury.

                                In-oonoluslon, I venture to make the warmest ooawenda-
                         0n of the work performed by the Tinanolal Advisor to the
                                 of Bahrain, Mr. 0. J). Belgravo.   I have personal
                                of the extraordinary dlffioultlee with which Mr,
                          *r*Y#         faced and of the taot and ability which he hae

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