Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 38
360 Records oj Bahrain
No. /s.F.of 1363
Offioe of the Advisor to
tht Government, Bahrain.
Dated, Uaheram, 4. 1353
April, 19, 1934.
The Financial Advisor to tho Government,
Hia Britannic Majesty's Political Agent,
I havo the honour to submit for your infor
mation tho Stato Budget for 1353 and the annual
report and particulars of Revenue and Expenditure
for 1352. This is the ninth budget vhioh I
have had the honour to prepare.
The annual report ie very briof. Many
matters vhioh should have been mentioned have
been omitted. Owing to the foot that I am pro
ceeding on leave in three days most of the report
was prepared before the end of the yoar. I have
had a great doal of additional work to complete
during the last two months besides my ordinary
duties, I huve carried out the work which used
to be dono by the Assistant Adviser and Commandant
of —