Page 37 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 37
Revenue-expenditure budgets 359
to ao muoh ao Ra, 4,13,844/-, slightly more than 00 per cent
of tbo total revenue* Tbo estimate of revenue for tho year
1002 shows a further decline to to* fl,30,l71/-« The Olyll List
has, It to true, boon roduoed to Fs# 3,00,000/- or 09,0 p4r oent
of tho total revenue, hut tho Oovor orient of India observe from
Mr# Bolgrayo's Report that, If the savings accruing from tho
death of tho Into Uhelkh Dir lea bin Ali aro taken Into aacount,
littlo, if any, actual reduction has boon mode#
5# The Oovernscnt of India o&nnol view ouoh a atnte of
Affaire with equanimity* They realieo that Hr# BolgrAYe'e
pooitlon ae a paid oervant of the Qtate preoludea him from
exorcising any real pressure on tho Bholkh in tho mattor of hie
Civil List# They oonsider it eooential that unloee figures
for the first part of tho prossnt finonolnl year, when available
show a probability that tho budget will balance the extremely
serious nature of tho financial position of bio Gtate should be
oxplalned to tho Dholkh in unequivocal terme and n substantial
reduction effected in hlo Civil List and will bo glad to be
informed with ae little delay as poeelble how in your oplnioa
this aould most effectively be dons*
4# In oonoluelon X am to ask that an expression of the
Oovormoont of Indiafe appreciation of the manner in which he
has handled the State finunaos in oiroumstances of great
difficulty may bo oonvoyod to Ur# Belgrave, Finanoinl Adviser
to tIkj Bahrain State*
I have tho honour to be,
Your moot obedient servant,
&d/- W,K. Fraser-fytler,
Fo reign Beorotary to the Qovertmont of India*