Page 39 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 39
Revcn ue-cxpendilure budgets 361
of Polio® and during most of the summer, while
tho Direotor of Cuatono waa on leave, I have
dealt with the ouotomo work. It haa boon
impoooiblo for me to afford tho necessary tine
to oorapile a full report.
Tho 1353 PudRot. Owing to unexpected revenue
from the Bahrain Petroleum Company and from tho
leaBe of the Muhorraq aerodrome it has been pos-
oiblo to balance tho budget by including the
balance* from 1352.
I. Cuatojna Reoelpta. I have ootimated the
ravenuo from thio deportment at tho oame figure
which I eutimotod in lent year*a budgot though
tho actual roooipta during 1352 amounted to appro^
ximately Ri 6,09,000/-. It may be roaoonnbly
assumed that tho revenue during tho coming yoor
will exceed tho oun which I have anticipated.
VI. fill. This sum inoludes oight instal
ments of Rs 5,769/- of whioh Rs 30,000/- is repay
able from future royaltioo, nooording to tho
arrongoraont agreed upon between tho Bahrain
government and tho Bahrain Petroleum Company.
Although it is praotioally oertain that tho oil
company will ooraraonao shipping oil during the
coming summer ond that royaltioo will beoome pay
able to the government during 1353, yet I have
not assumed, in making this budget, that any
revenue from royalties will bo roooivod,
VII. Lease of aerodromes. This inoludes the
ront of Mazuimah aerodrome ond tho ront of the Muhnrrtq
aerodrome for 1934-35 whioh I assume will be paid in
advenoo in Ootober 1934.