Page 40 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 40

362                        Records of Bahrain

                                  Item* VIII to XII cro ootimated aoaording
                             to the roooipte from theso oourooo during 1351  t
                             it 1b probable that they will produce tho amounto
                             whioh I have ootimated.
                                  XIII.   Interoflt on Reserve,   Thio is oal-
                             oulatod on tho assumption that tho nooorve Fund
                             will remain at the prooont figure whioh io
                             In 8,00,000/-.  If, ao io probable, the Rooorvo
                             Fur\d io inoroaaod from oortain aourooa thoro
                             will bo a oorroaponding inoroaao in tho intoroot
                             whioh it yioldo.
                                  XV. Loan reooYorablo. Thio roproaonto
                             tho inotalmont of a loon mado to tho Muhnrraq
                             Municipality to pay for their ahuro of tho
                              oapital in tho iilootrio Sohomo.

                                  Dolonoo from 1352. Tho particulars of
                              this balanoo oan bo ooen in tho statement of revenue
                             oto. Tho balance inoludoe £1000. paid at the^of
                              the yoar by tho 3ritish Government for loose of
                              tho Muhorrsq aerodrome from Ootober 1932 till
                              Ootobor 1934.
                                   Expondituro.   Tho expenditure differs very
                              slightly to the umount shown in tho previous

                              year. The allotment for the fiootretariat io
                              somewhat higher than in 4352 an it includes
                              leave passagoo for tho Advisor whioh aro payable
                              onoo in every four years. Tho total oxponditure
                              represents only the amount nooossary for main­
                              taining tho present administration and ollowo
                              for no expansion in any direction. It will be
                              notioed that tho Civil List absorbs considerably
                              more than half the total expenditure.
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