Page 42 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 42
Records of Bahrain
Notoo on Rovonuo and oxpondituro 1362.
Tho aotual rovonuo roooivod during 1352 amounted
to approximately Ki 42,000/- moro than tho rovonuo
during 1351.
Customo roooipto ohowod an inoroaoo of approxi
mately ill 0,000/-. This in explained in tho Customs
roport, the inoroano is mainly duo to tho inorouood
ountomn tariff whioh in tho provioue yoar had only
oxi8tod for somo months.
Pussporto roooipts show a falling off of about
rU 1,000/-.
Renta from government lund and oil conoooaion are
greatly inorouood owing to paymonto by tho Bahrain
Petroleum Company and uloo tho payment of the rent
of Muharraq aerodrome.
Interest on Reserve Fund hus dooroasod owing to
the withdrawal of Rs 50,000/- from tho Reserve whioh
previously yiolded interest.
The remaining rovonue souroes have yielded
approximately the sumo amount as they did in 1351.
Tho total expenditure during 1352 woe approxi
mately lis 47,000/- loos than tho oxpondituro in 1351.
Tho ohiof ooving was in tho Civil List in whioh
there ia a difforanoe of hi 24,600/- owing to tho
death of His Exoollonoy Shaikh Sir Isa bin Ali and
« reduction in tho Cikil liot of 11,500/- owing to
the 2$jC out and the dosth of oortain peroons who
were inoludod in it.
Of tho remaining itoms some ohow an inoreaBe but \e
is a saving on thoir total. The extra oost of State
pretootion is owing to tho foot that during tho year