Page 46 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 46

368                       Records oj Bahrain

                             Comparison of 1352 Budget and aotual Revonuo
                             and Expandituro.

                                  Revonuo.    When making tho Budgot for 1352,
                             I estimated a dofioit of hi 90,000/-, fortunately
                             owing mainly to unforseon oirouraotonooo, my expecta­

                             tion was inoorroot.
                                  Owing to tho unsatisfactory trade prospects
                             and depression in the pourl industry I ostimatod
                             revonuo from Custano, pearling licenses otc. at
                             Ui 5,50,00c/- whereas tho aotual amount collected
                             was 1U 6,08,977/-, approximately Ri 50,000/- more
                             than I oxpeoted.
                                  In ooveral of the other items I ovorestimotod
                             the revonuo. The obt of Mohomed bin Subah woo
                             not repaid and eventually the government took over
                             hia property in dioohargo of tho balance. He

                             owed Hi 9,000/-, tho property is worth loss than
                             hi 1,000/- but this individual is virtually bankrupt.
                                  The order sonotioning a tax on artesian welle
                             was unfortunately ropoalod by Ilia lixocllonoy Shaikh
                             ilomud owing to protests of two or throe loading
                             merchants who owned several welle.
                                  The unexpected revonuo from oil inoroaoed the
                             heading of "Rents of Government Land" from Ri 15,000/-
                             to hi 55,000/-.
                                  Expenditure. On the expenditure aide there

                             is an increase of Rs 5,000/- approximately over
                             tho amount whioh I estimated. This is due to the
                              008to of the auditor whioh were paid at the begin­
                             ning of 1352 and whioh hod not beon allowed for in
                              the 1352 budget.
                                  Without oonaidering tho faoto whioh I have
                             explained in thoao notes it might very reasonably
                             be considered that tho discrepancies betveon ny
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