Page 50 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 50

372                        Records of Bahrain


                                     4. Oil.      TVo tripa havo alroady been
                                made by the oil tanker 3.a. "Rhusm" and she
                                ia new on her way baok to Bahrain from the
                                far East to take another cargo of oil.  I am
                                informed that she will oarry out two more
                                trips at leaot in 1354.   Eaoh ahipment of oil
                                produooa approximately Rs 50,000/- in royalty
                                for the Bahrain government,   In eatimating
                                 the revenue from oil I inolude the amount
                                which ia now owing to the government on the
                                 two shipments whioh have^oady been made

                                 and I have aaaumod that thore will bo two
                                 raoro shipments only during 1354.   I think
                                 it is moat probable that the number of ship­
                                 ments will exceed my expeotationo.
                                      5. When the Bahrain Petroleum Company
                                 obtained an extension of the Prospeoting
                                 Lioense in 1352 an agreement was made between
                                 the Company and the Government aooording to
                                 whioh the Company lent to the Bahrain govern­
                                 ment Ri 50,000/-.   This loan was to be recovered
                                 from future royalties by instalments. The pro­
                                 portion of the refund due from the Bahrain
                                 government on the amount of royalty whioh I
                                 have estimated in the Budget is'Bs 35,000/-,
                                 the remaining Ri 15000/- will be recovered when
                                 more royalty payments are made*
                                      6.   Other revenue.  I have asaeaud the

                                 remaining souroes of revenue at;* total of
                                 Rs 55,000/- which is less than whit!they  were

   I                             expeoted to produce last year. «/ aotual
                                 reooipts during 1353 failed .to ijealoh the eaii-
   :                             mate of the Budg.t. There waa.'^dieappoiating
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