Page 54 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 54
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Records of Bahrain
Budgat - 1354.
I Customs reouipts inoluding
duty, Bolndiya tax,
Royalty eto. # t Hi 5,39,000/-
II Pearling lioensoa 35,000/-
III Boat lioonsea. 2,500/-
IY Miaoellanooua receipts 3,000/-
Rx 5,80,000/-
Y Oil
Bxpeoted revenue 2,00,000/-
Leas. recover
able againat
loan .. . 35,000/-
YI Rent of aerodromea • t 8,100/-
YII Passport prooeeds • * 15,000/-
YIII Judioial receipts •« 10,000/-
IX Registration fees on leases 1,000/-
X Land registration foes 5,000/-
XI Motor oar lioensoa • • 3,000/-
XII Rents of government lands 1,315/-
XIII Intoreat on reserve • • 4,000/-
XIY Miscellaneous rooeipts 2,000/-
XY Loans recoverable t t 5,585/-
Ei 8,00,000/-