Page 51 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 51
Revenue-expenditure budgets 373
disappointing falling off in Judioial receipts
and several other itom3.
7. It muy bo observed from the various
oouroe8 of revenue that the people of Bahrain
are very fortunate in the matter of taxation.
With the oxooption of ouatoms duties, whioh
in comparison to those of neighbouring countries
are extremoly low, there is soaroely any taxa
tion. Income tax, land tax, date tree tax,
zikat or aohur are not levied and the only
existing house tax is the very low municipal
house tax whioh is paid by the people of
Manamah and Muharraq. In spite of this I
think it can be reasonably claimed that the
government of Bahrain does more for the public
welfare of its people in the direction of
education, justioe, public seourity and muni
cipalities than any other State in the Persian
Gulf, a faot whioh the people themselves seem
rarely to appreciate.
8. Expenditure. Civil List. The
Civil List represents the actual amount whioh
is paid in emoluments to the members of tbs
Ruling Family but it does not inolude the
allowances whioh are made to certain of the
Ruling Family for the servioes whioh they
render as Magistrates, Amirs etc. These pay
ments are inoluded under-Judioial, Publio
Seourity and other headings.
9. Sharo in royalty amounting1to
JU 58,000/- represents l/3rd of • the O^yalty
paid by the Bahrain Petroleum OompaiijKto the
Bahrain government. This amount ii \t0 be