Page 53 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 53

Rcucn uc-cxpendbtu re b udgcts           375


                  tho conditions of Hoddwhioh i3 tho third
                  largo at town in Bahrain and tho moot unsani-

                  tary und dirty.  Tho pooplo of Hedd who aro
                  almost ontiroly pearl diver3, are, with a
                  fow exceptions, very poor, and it ia unlikely
                  that they would at prosont bo able to contri­
                  bute wuoh towards a municipality,   I have
                 allocated the sum of Rs 200/- per month to be
                  spent on cleaning the streets of Hedd and
                  for widening the ono road which ia at present
                  impassable for motor traffio.  The Muharraq
                 municipal oounoil, with possibly two or three
                 additional members from Hedd will deal with
                  this work.
                      13.   Education.   An additional sum
                 of Rs 3,500/- has been allowed for the opening

                 of three oountry sohools in the Shia villages.
                 This expansion is in answer to tho reoent
                 request by the Shia community that the govern­
                 ment should pay more attention to the education
                 of the Shias who form the majority of the
                      14.   The remaining items of expenditure
                 do not differ greatly from the amounts in the
                 last your*s budget.

                               I have the honour to be,
                              Your most obedient servant

                               Adviser to the Government.
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