Page 55 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 55

Revenue-expenditure budgets               377

                                Budget - 1354.


              I      Allowanoeo to tho Ruling Pomily.-
                           Civil List.   3,80,000/-
                           Royalty.       55,000/-
                                                       Rj  4,35,000/-
              II     State Proteotion,
                           Polioo Naturs, oto.   • •       1,27,250/-
              III    Government departments.
                           Customs department h 63,000/-
                           Seoretariat ..       26,950/-
                           Judioial dept.       28,500/-
                           Land department      18 650/-
                           Passport depart:      6,700/-

              IV     Eduoution    ..                         33,550/-
              Y      Uunioipalities:-
                           Monamah       12,000/-
                           Uuhnrraq      12,000/.-
                           Hidd           2 400/-
              VI     Gontingenoios ••                          5,000/-
             VII     liediool Servioos .                     22,500/-
              VIII   Public works      • •                    6,500/-

                                                        Bi 8,00,000/-
                                                        =3BSXViexa33S= = =
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60