Page 27 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 27
Revenue-expenditure budgets 349
- I —
ohould ahem ao bud an example to the leaf*
or maobero of tho family, end that they
mule..jjjlji jx.1 ohould not fico tho danger to the XI
Cr* Klialifah, ao the Ruling Family, of allowing
o-ip**}> the Fcmily property to be sold to outelders
It lo poeolble that Your ibeco lloncy may
^ O^t+n oonoidcr It nooeaaary, In order to avoid
U I 4jl j(jl * yjl U difficulties which have arisen, to make
d»#* fj*~ {j*~ on exception in thoce two ooaeo and to a
o vr hJI b^U\jAj allow tho two aoleo to take place* hut if
jeua V «J#l< 1J*JLU« Y| Your Exoollonoy does permit thio to be
IUU done | I would adviae Your Excellency again
JflPUc^ *1*U- JT to loeuo an 'Alan, so that all people o«y
know and may not bo misled, that in tho
• rtuiiDUii^k^ ijj future no case of a sole of land belonging
to the A1 Khalifeh to a perooa who is not
x^jjl vpb J^i, yuto U-k^ li-e
of the Al Khalifah family will be reoognlo*
u^i—*#, rjA-#n
ed# By this neons the wealth and power of
the ruling Family will. If Ood la willing,
be preoorved*
Usual landings*
Political Agent, Bahrain*