Page 194 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 194

514                       Records of Baburin


                          of nil ihc papers returned by thorn. This Exaininor would also conduct
                          all llio linsil examinations in person, and would tbereforo need to spend
                          about a fortnight in tbo Island.
                             The appointment of an outside oxaminor is, in my opinion, tbo only
                          way of mailing iiupo68iblo tbo setting of childish oxamination-quostions by
                          teachers who aro afraid of sooiug their pupils fail, and tbo gross overmark-
                          jug of tbo candidates’ answers by toacbcrs, for tbo samo roasou. Aftor all,
                          our educational schomo. is almost wholly depoudont upon honest examina­
                          tions, and honest oxaininatious aro tbo only suro moans wo possoss of
                          testing tbo ability of tbo toaobors as well as that of tbo taught. Finally,
                          without honest examinations our cortiticatos of education, about which wo
                          aro going to tako so much troublo, will bo worthless.

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