Page 196 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 196

516                       Records of Bahrain


                            Having dealt with tho question of control, wo can now turn to matters
                         relating to Iho Touching Staff.
                            Tho first point is about tho Necessity for a Teachers’ Traiuiug School.
                            II is highly desirablo, from many points of view, that Bahraini boya
                         should ho taught exclusively by Bahraini mastors. Unfortunately such  8
                         chuugo cannot bo made immediutoly, since thero aro at presont not onough
                         •ulllciently-educated Bahraini teachers to fill all tho posts at tho schools.
                         But what cun bo made immediately is a beginning. Wo can start at ouco
                         lo train some of tho brightest and best-conducted of tho boys at our schools
                         lo bccouio schoolmasters, and wo can also start at once to givo somo of
                         tho present Bahraini touchers at the sohools a higher education than that
                         which they now possess.

                            Thero is nothing to be gaiued by sending tho young men who arc to
                         bo trained ns schoolmasters to any of tho neighbouring Arab states, for in
                         Bahrain we aro aiming at something suporior to anything that oxists in
                         those states. Tho othor alternatives aro Europe, Iudia, and Bahrain itself.
                         Europe would bo very oxpensivo, aud Iudia has disadvantages, though tho
                         education thoro is pretty good : from all points of view I am strongly in
                         favour of truiuiug Bahrain teachers in Bahrain itself.

                            Wlmt wo noed is a very small Teachers’ Training School, run under
                         the personal direction of tho Inspector, aud staffed by tho best of tho touch­
                         ers at tho othor schools. Tho school should bo an evening school
                         exclusively, since such an urraugomout would wako it possiblo for somo of
                         tho presont Bahraini mastors to attend it as pupils, and for somo of tho
                         present S)riuu masters to attend it as teachcra.

                            But wo aro going to find it impossible to porsuado Bahrain schoolboys
                         to oiler themselves as trainees at such a sohool unless wo aro prepared to
                         lunho a teaching career in Bahrain an attractive ono financially. Nor aro
                         wo going to bo able to persuado Bahraini mastors to undergo further educa­
                         tion at tho bauds of thoir Syrian colleagues unless wo aro propared to hold
                         out to them a coucroto. financial attraction in tho form of an increase in
                         salary for thoso who improvo their presont education to such an extent as
                         to beooiuo definitely moro cffioicut schoolmastore, and theroforo moro useful
                         public servants, than thoy woro boforo.

                            I suggest that your Highness should ask tho Eduoation Dopartraont to
                         work out as soon as possiblo a simple schomo for an ovoning toachors
                         “wwnfi school, on tho ubovo lines. Tho soonor this is done, tho noaror wo
                         shall bo to the desired day when tho toaohing staffs at all tho Bahrain
                         sohools will bo ono hundred per cent Bahraini.
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