Page 195 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 195

The progress of stale education, 1939-1941      515


                I wA'i told when I wus in Bahrain that a numbor of peoplo wero pressing
             (or lbe fommtion of an Educational Committoo, to consist of tho  new
             MufitUi.ds. the hcadmustors of tho schools, soino of tho paronts, and a number
            of people interested in oducatiou, though not aotuully counoctod with it. Tho
            Mitfi'C.-ilion was that all important educational matters should bo brought
            before this Committee, for discussiou and for dooision, aud that all tho
            notions of tho Mufottish should bo uubjoot to its approval.

                1 am quito dolinitcly against any 6uoh arrangement. I know that
            6ucb committees aro to bo found in tho educational systems of most of
            tho Arab countries, and I rogard thorn as ono of tho ounces of Eastern
            education. In this matter of responsibility, Eastern and Wostorn praoticcB
            arc  ut opposito poles. In tho Eastern world wo find tho responsible official
            looting ulways for tho holp and the support of others, in ovory stop which
            ho hikes; fearing to stand alono, or to act upon his own judgemout ; fearing
            above all to mako an unpopular docision. In tho West, whou onco we havo
            choson a man to becomo a responsible public servant, aud havo told him
            what wo want him to do, wo loavo him alono to carry out his work in his
            own way. It may happen that, lator on, wo lind that wo have mado a
            mistuko, and havo chosen tho wrong man. In that case wo dismiss him
            quickly, and chooso another. But so long as wo omploy him, wo trust him;
            we leave tho whole of tho matter iu his hands ; aud wo rofraiu from
            interfering with him. This system is a sourco of strength to auy State
            which employs it, for it brings out in public offioials tho quality of solf-
            rclianco, aud forces them to thiuk, iustoad of moroly to obey. It leads
            to singleness of aim, to uniformity of practice, aud to quickuess and
            certainly of decision, and all tbeso things mako for bold goverumonb.
            But committees aro a sourco of woaknoss. Thoy load to divorsity of aim,
            and to vacillation of policy. Committees brood wouk officials. Committees
            leeuu much talk aud little actiou.
               What is tho uso of employing a Mufottish, if he is to becomo im­
            mediately auswerablo to a committee, some of whose mombors are his
            own subordinates ? A Mufottish is in the samo position as tho captain of
            a ship. Ho is steering tho educational vossol towards tho appointed port.
            A ship's captain is not subject to ft oominittoo : ho is absoluto muster of the
            cruft iu which ho sails, free to make any deoisiou which ho considers need­
            ful, and ausworable only to those who aro paying him his wages. Aud so
            it should be with your Highness's Mufottish.
               I advise your Highness not to consont to tho appointment of tho
            proposed Committeo.
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