Page 202 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 202
522 Records oj Bahrain
A word must bo 6uid about tho need for a Teacher of Hebrew.
Thera arc at Manamah School about *10 Jewish boys, and no provision
has been umdo for their instruction in Hebrew. It is highly desirable both
on grounds of juslico, and on cultural grounds, that this should bo remedied
I suggest that your Highness should givo instructions for a full-time or
part-time teacher of Hebrew to be ongagod as soon as possiblo for Manamah
jjcboul, and that facilities should bo givon for auy Jowish boys at Muharraq
or Hedd to bo trauBferred, if their parents wish it, to Manamah. It would
be an ndvautage if tho toacher engaged were a woll-oducated Jew already
resident in Buhraiu.