Page 205 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 205

The progress of slate education, 1939-1941      525


                Inot intend to write much in this Report about Methods of Teaching,
            fince method, wo huvo already sccu, comes within tho provinco of tho
             Director of Kducation, or, if thoro is no director of education, within tho
            province of tho Inspector. I3ut somo of tho mothods which I saw being
            Used in I ho schools of Bahrain wero so orudo, or so mietukon, that I fed it
            my duty to mention thorn, in ordor that their future uso may bo forbidden.
             It is much to bo hoped that tbo now controllor, whoever he may be, will
            make it one of his first duties to carry out a thorough examination of tho
            methods of teaching uow in use in Bahrain, and that he will ruthlessly
             abolish ull antiquated mothods in favour of modern ones.

               First about tho Toachiug of Reading. I saw at somo of tho schools
            numbers of little boys, who had barely mastered their lottoru, being taught
            to read from tho Qur’an. But tho Qur’an was not writton as a reading-book
            for littlo boys. It is not scion titioally arranged as a school roador, starting
            with simplo syllables and oasy words, and gradually, pago by pugo,
            employing more difficult words, to suit tho incroasiug knowledgo and
            ability of tho pupil. To uso a Qur'au as a moans of tcaohing a child to read is
            like trying to make him run bofore ho can walk. Tho faot that this method
            of teaching reading has boon used in tho Arab countries for many conturies
            does not make it tbo right ouo, or ovon a successful ono : educationally it
            id quite absurd. Thoro aro published, in all languages, scicntilically-dcsigncd
            and proporly-gradcd reading-books for children, and if wo arc to huvo
            progress at tho propor rato iu tho schools of Bahrain it is cssontial that
            such books should bo used. I recommend that your Highness should abso­
            lutely forbid tho uso of tho Qur'an U6 a method of toachiug children to road,
            mid should order that proper reading-books bo used. If this is dono, it will
            be fouud that tho children will dorivo uioro bouolifc in ouo hour from a
            scientifically-designed roador than thoy could obtain iu a week from a book
             which was desigued for reading by adults.
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