Page 209 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 209

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     529


                Finally, as to tbc Use of Pcucils. These should bo absolutely forbidden
             in all tli«! -'*1joi Is except schools of the First Stage (Infants’ schools). Tbo uso
             of pcncil> leads to slovonly work, bad handwriting, and wasto of money. Ink
             will be found to bo far ohoapor. Poncila aro unknown in European schools,
             except for Drawing: tho youngest of tho children aro taught to writo with
             ink from Hie start. 1 suggest that your Highness should rule that tho uso
             of pencils in all Sccoud Stugo and Final Stago schools is strictly forbidden.

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