Page 213 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 213

The progress oj state education, 1939-1941

                  'J’bc ].««•«] Printing Prose.
                 Now that Bahrain possesses a modern printing-press, the fullosb uso
               jliould be made of it by the Education Department in counootion with
               Ibe supply of boobs and stationery to tho schools. Ita resources should
               be steadily developed until evontually it has becomo thoir solo supplior of
               exercise-boobs, paper, ink, etc. and tho printer of all translations made
              in Bahrain for school uro. It should also print tho attoudanco-shects,
              tbo mark-boobs, tho certificates of education, aud other necessary school
              literature; and it might iu timo becomo tho Dopartmont’s agout for tho
              supply of all school equipment ordorod. All this should rosult iu much
              saving to tho Education Department, and it would in any caso keop
              Bahrain money in Bahrain.
                 1 suggest that your Highness should iuvitc the attention of tho
              Education Department to tho many possibilities of tho local printing-press.
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