Page 217 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 217

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     537


               •j’lic mailer of Iho School Buildings and Equipment.
               I understand that thoro is sorao public dissatisfaction with tho ago and
            condition of the buildings in which some of tho schools aro at present
            housed, and that the erection of now and up-to-date schools, with modern
            equipment, is being asked for.

               It is loo often forgotten by those who demaud extousivo roforms from
            governments that roforms cost monoy, and that money is not unlimited.
            People are apt to forget, also, how much tho Government has alroady done.
            I do not advise your Highness to spond money on orocting imposing school
            buildings, or in tho purchase of elaborate equipment. Ear more import­
            ant than the outside of a school is what goes on insido it. Education
            can bo imparted in the very humblest surrouudiugs. Thoro havo boon many
            instances, in past times in England, of education of tho highost class being
            givcu by poor toachcrs, to equally poor pupils, iu stablos and cellars. If
            {kero is any spare monoy to bo spent on the schools of Bahrain, lot it bo
            spent in securing hotter toaohing and modern books, rathor than on brioks
            and mortar, which cun do nothing towards raising tho standard of education.

              Tho building of tho three infants' schools, howovor, I regard as being
            au absolutely necessary expense—ono whioh will have to be inourred if tho
           standard of education in Bahrain is to bo raised, aud if tho present over­
            crowding of tho threo town schools is to bo romedied.

               I also think that wator should bo laid on to Muharraq School, and, if
            possible, electric light.
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