Page 220 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 220

540                        Records of Bahrain


                        to com hmli "’ages ftS mechanics. Tho boys of Bahrain might havo
                        been told ' .V the schoolmasters how tho builders of the world’s groat bridgos,
                        huious railway*, giant liners, aud so on, all started their carcors iu °tho
                        Ycrnlls of •simple workmen, aud how, even aftor they had becomo famous
                        engineers, they were not ashamed to work, side by side with their own
                        employees, with their hands. If only our schoolmasters would speak to
                        their boys on theso lines, wo should havo no shortago of applicants for
                        places at the Technical School. And side by 6ido with this kind of instruc­
                        tion should go repeated warnings and reminders to tho boys that it is no
                        part of tbo duty of tho Government to provide boys with employment
                        after they leave school, aud that tho vacancies in Government offices are
                        strictly limited.
                           I suggest that your Highucss should issuo instructions for a definito
                        propaganda in favour of tho Technical School to bo instituted iu all tho othor
                        schools without delay, and also for all the schoolmasters to combiuo in
                        trying to bring about, by means of quiet talks, a wiser framo of mind in
                        tboso of their pupils who consider manual work as bciug beneath thoir
                        dignity, and a littlo moro foresight in those who aro too eager to oarn
                        immediate wages as soon as thoy loavo school.
                           I further suggest to your Highness that the whole quostion of tho
                        expansion of technical training in Bahruiu should be reconsidered.

                           (Thuro is one serious impediment to tho fullest success of bho Teohnical
                        School, and that is the very poor kuowlodgo of mathematics found in the boys
                        who cuter it from tho other schools. Tho improvement of tho mathemati­
                        cal standard in tho schools of Bahrain has alroady boon discussed, but I
                        mention tho matter again hero iu order to oraphasiso its urgent necessity.).
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