Page 225 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 225

The progress of state education, 1939-1941     545


                KiiJIv, there is the Local Newspaper.

                Tin'. IVoss is, of course, ouo of tho most powerful of all educational
             af'Cii* if ;. mid tho fill 1 oat uso should bo inado by tho Education Department   !
             0f the local newspaper, not only us a moans of hooping tho public in­
             formed on local educational mattors, but also as a vchiclo for tho spreading
             of education itoclf. Tho Inspector and tho schoolmasters Bhould bo on-
             couruged to bccoino frequent contributors of informativo articles, especially
             upon biich subjects as hoalth, hygiono, sanitation, Bahrain history, and
             matters of topical interest, both local and foreign. Tho nowspapors of somo
             capitals contain what aro called Students’ Coruors, sections iu whioh all
             mutters of interest to schoolboys aro dealt with, usually by a local school­
             master, and this might bo a very good thing to introduce into Bnhrain.
                J suggest that your Highness should ask tho Education Dopartmout to
             mako tbo fullest use of the local nowspapor, both for tho purposo of inform-
             jug the public of its views aud intontions regarding education, and for tho
             purpose of spreading education itself.
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