Page 223 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 223

The progress oj state education, 1939-1941     543


                XcnI, thcro are tho possibilities of Opon-Air Instruction.

                A groat (leal could bo dono, especially in tho distant villages, by moans
             of quiet, informal talks to tho local people, given by tho schoolmasters. It
             is not a very satisfactory stato of alTairs whon tbo children arc educated
             ami the parents completely ignorant, and nothing but good can result from
             occasional semi-educational meetings between parents and schoolmasters.
             Such talks should be held in publio places, at times when tho older peoplo
             cun conveniently attond thorn. Tho subjects of discussion can rango over a
            •very wide field, from puroly local matters, such ao hoalth, child wolfare,
             hnnuful superstitions, bettor forms of agriculture, otc., to matters of widor
             interest, such us world history and geography, famous pooplo, and foroign
             news. No subject likely to raise tho gonoral lovol of knowledge amongst
             the humbler pooplo of tho Island should bo disdained by tho speakers, who
             should remciubor that many matters which may soora oommonplaco to
             themselves will bo of absorbing interest to their I033 sophisticated hoarors.

                J suggest to your Highness that tho Inspector should bo asked to boar
             iu mind tbo possibilities of open-air instruction for adults, and to try to
             urrnngo for occasional public talks by the schoolmasters, especially iu tho
             distant villages.
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