Page 224 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 224

544                       Records of Bahrain


                           Next, llicrc is tho Public Cinema.

                           In all the Western countries tho Cinema is now Going widoly used as
                        hu adjunct to education, and special educational films aro boiug produced
                        in great quantity and groat varioty of subject. Theso can bo hired
                        more cheaply than any othor kind of film. Now that Manamah possesses
                          public cinema, there aro two ways in whioh it might bo used to groat
                        ndvoutago by tho Goverumont in furtherance of public instruotiou. For
                        adult education, tho Goyornmont might require tho ownors to inoludo iu
                        their programmes a cortain fixed proportion of oducational films, tho choico
                        of subjects to bo made by the Education Departmont; and for child educa­
                        tion, tho Govornmont might roquiro tho ownors to arrango occasional
                         matinee performances, solely for children, at whioh only oduoational and
                        juveuilo tilms would bo shown, and tho schoolohildron might bo sout to
                        these occasional performances, at vory choap rates, ut tbo Education
                         Department's oxpeuso.

                           Tho installation of tho Manamah Cinotna 6Coms to mo to prosont tho
                         Government with a timoly and an cxcellont opportunity of disseminating
                         knowledge over a wide area at vory small cost, and I suggest to your High­
                         ness that full advantage) should bo taken of it without delay. Tho fullost
                         information about eduoational and ohildron'e films could quito easily bo
                         obtained by the Inspector, from London.

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