Page 228 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 228

548                       Records of Bahrain

                                            the unman council
                                                 3 HANOVER UTRKET,
                                                    LONjXJN, V/.l,
                   0/1.                          20th Novembor, 1939,

                           With reference to your lettoro P, 3. G050/39 of lot
                                      /«.•! v
                       !Iovci.;bcr ond P. 3. 7042/39 of 9th Novembor, the Gounoll liavo

                       given enreful conoldorutlon to the propooal submitted by
                       the Political Resident in the Peroinn Gulf that tho grant oet
                      uoido by the Council towards the salary of an English
                       tcaclicr for Koweit oliould bo transferred to Bahrein,  Tho
                      Council liavo noted tlint the Bnlncin Government arc anxiouo to
                      ongago tho uervlcoo of Mr. C.R.L, Adrlun-Vallanco, formerly
                      of tho Iraqi Education Department, for the puii>oooB of
                       touching more advanced English in tlio Bahrein High School
                       and of taking general charge of the State education,   On the
                       recommendation of the Political Rosidont and of Mr, C.A.P.
                       Dundee, the Council*o representative in tho Hear least, they
                       are willing to consont to tho proposed transfor provided

                       that Mr. A&rian-Valluncc shill bo allowed to visit Koweit
                       from time to time in ordor to adviso tho sheikh on
                       educational matters and to inspect Koweit ochools.   It is
                       understood that facilities for the training of Koweit
                       tcucliera aliaU be provided in Bahrein until ouoli time as tho
                       Koweit authorities aro ablo to i.wko satisfuotoi’y arrangements
                       for themselveo; and also that tho Council dooire to bo kept
                       informed of tho progress of Mr, Adrian-Vallanoo’s work in
                           On those tormo tho Council are propared to provide
                       tho oum of £1300 in u full year towardo tho salary of Mr.
                       /idi'ian-Vallance x 0175 will be payable in reopoot of tho
                       remaining 4j months of tlio financial year 1939-40.  Tlio
                       Countil’o grant can bo made available quarterly in arrear or
                       in such other way ao may bo agreed upon.
                                              Z am, oto.
                   -Sccrotary of Btate,       (3d.) Oharloe Bridgo.
                   0Cfl°°. 0.W.I.               3oorotary*^onoral,
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