Page 233 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 233
The progress oj state education, 1939-1941 553
Tho otrioturce, on primary education on page li reflect
little credit on Bclgravo and you may toll him so#
1 do not wiuh to give the impression that I disagree
with everything that Vallanoe hae propoood. Hio report is
interesting and has shed a great deal of light 4n dork places,
und I heartily oonour in hio remarke or propooalo on pageo 57,
44f 40, 49, rnoBt of 50, 52, 50, 58 and 60* 1 am afraid hie ;
recommendation about the Qur’an in the penultimate paragraph
of page 47 will be misquoted some day, though the view held
io eound enough#
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